My experience with shadow people

I may have only been three or four, but the memory is still vivid twenty-five years later. Out of nowhere, one to three black masses appeared on the walls while I laid on the bed alone. First, they looked like clouds of smoke. After my eyes adjusted to get a better look, I could see the figures begin to take shape. Tall. Short. Thin. Wide. Always a different shape, but always appearing when I was alone. Watching. Then walking into the corners of the wall disappearing back to wherever it was they came from. Those shadows appeared enough times to become normal. My parents moved, I followed of course, but that wouldn't be the last encounter with them. They never believed me and passed them off as shadows from the people walking on the streets with passing car headlights on them. That wouldn't explain the shadows I saw on the walls with no windows opposite of them.

They are shadow people and they have followed me all my life.

Those memories are what inspired this blog. All my life I have experienced paranormal, or, what I can't explain events. Shadow people are constant when it comes to paranormal sightings.

What are they?

Ghosts? Maybe? According to this shadow people website I did some research on, there doesn't seem to be a definitive answer. Benevolent or malevolent is up in the air. What blows my mind is the website mention the "hatted" figure. I have seen him or her. From all the sightings it is undetermined what gender they are or whether they have one.

Certain characteristics, like broad shoulders, may indicate there could be male versions. The hatted figure I have seen multiple times had a tall stature with broad shoulders that tapered down to the waist.


A belief is they are interdimensional beings that are a sub-category of ghosts. This would explain their ability to travel and come in different forms. 

Consider residual energy imprint hauntings and how they are like a scene from a movie that's stuck on repeat. The actions of the ghosts are always the same. Shadow people are arguably intelligent. They appear in different forms and are capable of moving through space, not just on the walls. 

My skeptical girlfriend's experience

My girlfriend knows I'm afraid of every sound I hear at night. She is more on the skeptical side unlike me. There was one incident that made her question what she saw when she spent the night at my place.

Sometime during the middle of the night, while I was doing my usual routine of hogging the covers, she woke up to take back her share and saw a person standing in the corner by the bedroom door. At least it looked like a person. A tall, humanoid figure stood out from the wall. She described it like a man completely blacked out. He was in the corner staring back at us sleep. 
She was too terrified to speak. Then he was gone before she could make a sound. Morning came and she was out the door before I could tell anything was wrong. Her voice was full of conviction for what she saw when she told me about the incident. It takes a lot to scare her. That's how I know what she saw was really there.

I no longer live in that apartment. 

I'm not the only one

I never told her about what I saw all my life up to that point. It wasn't like I implanted the idea and her sleep/wake state created that image. Being a skeptic wouldn't make someone hallucinate a ghost. Or would it? Personally, I doubt it. Someone who is already afraid of the world would more than likely be the one to see a ghost. Whether there is one or not. 

However, the fact remains she believes what she saw and now it reaffirms my beliefs. I don't know what they are. Because I don't understand this world. 

No one does.

I do my own research on what reality is and there isn't a definitive answer from people that are way smarter than me. Alternate realities may exist. If physicists prove this to be true than the idea of interdimensional beings isn't too out of the question. 

What I do know is shadow people have followed me all my life. I don't expect that to change. 

What to pair with

This is the part where I share a drink idea that fits the theme of the blog post. Shadow people and a dark beer like Guinness make sense to me. So, go enjoy one with friends and family and tell scary stories.

Enjoy your drinks with the unknown.

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