The Candy Lady of Terrell, Texas - Urban Legend

"Did you hear? Jacob has gone missing. Just up and vanished. " "That's not true," Emily and other the kids kept shouting. All five of them trying to ignore Daniel, although deep down they could all feel it in their gut the rumors must be true. “Parents lie all the time,” Daniel said. “They say he moved because they don’t want to scare us, but I’m telling you right now, the Candy Lady got him. My brother and his friends told me all about her and how she lures kids with candy. I bet Jacob couldn’t pass up on free candy.” All six kids sat in silence. Wondering who was next. Wondering whether the next piece of candy would be enough to entice them to follow the Candy Lady back home. Clara Crane may have died over a hundred years ago. That doesn’t mean her ghost still won’t leave a piece of candy for you to find. All it takes is one bite, and you won’t be able to resist following the trail of candy leading back to her house. That’s how it hap...