Lake Worth Monster - Texas Cryptid

"I don't know if we should be here. It's dark and I can't see a thing. Plus, what if the stories are true?"

"If they are true, then we'll be the first to capture it on film."

The Sun was setting but Jason and Rebecca pushed on deeper into the woods surrounding Lake Worth. The tall tales of a humanoid half-goat, half-reptile were running rampant through town and Jason planned on being the first to capture the creature on film. At all costs. Rebecca wasn't too thrilled to be out in the woods but if Jason was there, so was she.

"Can we go? If we hurry back, we could still have some alone time in the car."

"What was that?"

The couple was nearing Greer Island, the supposed report of the creature's home when they could hear the sound of brush being smashed under the weight of something heavy. Then heavy breathing filled the air. Jason held Rebecca close to his side trying to keep her quiet. He knew as well her they were being watched. But by who? They were too deep in the woods for anyone to be following. Whatever was breathing that heavy had to have been huge. Mountain lion? But a mountain lion doesn't have a hiss at the end of its snarl. Or does it? All these thoughts ran through Jason's mind.

Not even the full Moon could shed enough light on the creature that stood seven feet tall stalking the couple a few yards to their right. This creature was stalking them. It was intelligent enough to stay hidden in the shadows. Its large frame, however, kept it come being completely hidden.

What seemed like an eternity only lasted a minute until the creature decided the couple wasn't worth the confrontation. One final heavy snarl and a quick burst of speed sent the creature towards the lake. Jason and Rebecca couldn't hear the creature enter the water. No splash. It slid into the water like an amphibian.

No one believed their story. Neither do they. The Lake Worth Monster has that effect on people. It's too unbelievable.

The Lake Worth Monster

In 1969, it was reported in the Fort Worth Star Telegram about a 7-foot tall goat-fish man that terrorized six local teens. The famous Jim Marrs interviewed the teens and he believed something did scare them.

But there are also claims that teens confessed to it being a hoax. The media took the story and ran with it causing town-wide panic. Stories began pouring at about sightings. Which always seem to be the case when something unexplained catches wind. Everyone starts to see something.

During 1969 armed civilians took matters into their own hands and decided to hunt the creature. Texas being Texas. It would have been undeniably dangerous for anyone posing to be the creature out and in the wild. Some trigger-happy resident would have shot without hesitation. The theory of a hoax is questionable. However, in this case, a hoax is most plausible. I want to believe in cryptids existing as much as the next believer but this one is difficult.

I'll leave it up to you to decide.

On one hand, you have people swearing up down they encountered the Lake Worth Monster. Sallie Ann Clarke had multiple encounters which led to a book, then to selling thousands of copies. On the other hand, you have police sources telling Jim Marrs it was a hoax.

What to pair with

Shiner is the first to come to mind. Being a native Texas beer and all. Pour one out for the Lake Worth Monster.

Enjoy your drinks with the unknown.

What is your local cryptid? Tell me in the comments.

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