Flag Pole Hill - Dallas Haunting

It's always at night. Not every night though. If you listen carefully, you'll hear creaking from the hallway near the balcony overlooking the living room. Almost sounds like a wooden door blowing back and forth like a cliché from a horror film. My family won't admit to what we hear. Or on the rarer occasion feel. The air around the balcony is heavy. A draft can be felt as though it passes through you.

Something tells me whatever it was we experienced in that home may have been what drove Licker to what he did. How could anyone decide their only option is to have someone killed? The original owner of the home hung himself from that balcony in 1962. Coincidence Licker had people murdered a little over 20 years later? Maybe. I believe the spirit that haunted that home possessed Licker to commit such a heinous crime. He hired those men with the intent to murder. Not just send a message. Money and drugs might nudge men to do crazy things; but, a spirit is a push.

White Rock Lake is located in North East Dallas and is known for its beautiful parks and good fishing. Plus the occasional urban legend like the Lady in White of White Rock Lake. I have been to White Rock lake a few times and can tell you I have never caught a fish there. Disappointing honestly. Everyone else seems to catch but me. It's believed you can catch proof of ghosts as well.

Flag Pole Hill

Flag Pole Hill is one of the parks located on the lake. If interested, crappie can be found in the creeks. From what I've read at least.

What makes the park interesting isn't exactly the park, but a home on the 7800 block of Blackbird lane near the park. The original homebuilder hung himself from the balcony inside the home shortly after completing the home sometime around 1962 or 1963.

In 1975 the Hart family bought the home. The son, Brian Hart, claims nothing paranormal happened other than the feeling of a presence. I would imagine it's that feeling of someone is watching you except you can't see them. I am familiar with that feeling.

Murder for hire

In 1982, the Hart family sold the house to attorney Jeffrey Licker. It wasn't until 1985 when Jeffrey hired two men to "rough up" a man, Koby Sandosky, in an upstairs bedroom over money and drugs Koby had supposedly stolen from the house.

Jeffrey lured Koby back to his house with the pretense of a drug deal. He had Hackman and Arnold waiting inside playing the role as the muscle. The intent was to scare Koby into paying back what he stole or to get injured. Jeffrey swears he never meant for the two to kill Koby.

Koby wasn't the only victim. The passenger in Koby's car became impatient and came inside the house looking for Koby. Lesia Kohl was a waitress and Playboy model who had recently done a photo shoot the same month. Only 22. When she walked in on the murder, she was then the next target. Just like Koby, Lesia was bludgeoned to death.
During all the beating, Jeffrey left the house with two women and went to the bar. He had a few drinks then decided to go back to the house. He saw cops and figured he was too sleepy and had too many drinks to talk with them. It wasn't until he heard about the murders on the radio the next day that he felt he should clear the air with the cops and gave a voluntary confession. Confessing he had no idea what was going on.

Investigators of the case discovered from Jeffrey's associates that there was a murder-for-hire situation going on. It was revenge for money and drugs stolen from his house. Jeffrey contacted a third party to arrange the killing. 

Jeffrey eventually cooperated with police but was furious with them since they put him in the same cell as the two men he claimed were trying to kill him. 

Of course, they would want to, they were caught

Did the original owner play a part?

Makes for a better story. What if the original owner possessed Jeffrey to seek revenge as heinous as having a man killed in his home? Would that leave Koby and Lesia forever trapped in the home repeating the scene of their murder? Brian Hart may have never seen the original owner, but from his own account, he did feel like something was there. Money and drugs make people do crazy things. Murder included

What to pair with

For those not from the area, White Rock Lake is fancy. Talking upper class. Old money mostly. Imagine Wolf of Wall Street era rich. Gentrification has yet to make its way. There are some parts that have been updated. For the most part its old school rich. No startups made these people rich.

Old school fancy like Coors Banquet comes to mind. Or if you really are fancy, champagne.

Enjoy your drinks with the unknown.

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