Don't flash your headlights at night - Urban Legend

They say to never flash your headlights at night to cars that don't have theirs on. 23-year-old Jenny found out why when the completely blacked-out Dodge Challenger made a U-turn on January 2, 2015. After visiting her parents Jenny was on her way back home taking the same route as always. Nothing out of the ordinary. One of the apprehended men from the incident confessed to the murder. A guilty conscience from a young man looking for acceptance. Even if that acceptance is from a gang. The goal was simple. First car to flash their lights was the chosen victim. Jenny, unfortunately, was the first to do so. They followed Jenny a few more blocks from where she flashed them. Ran her off the road. And the man ran out the car and shot Jenny in the face from point blank range. Initiation meant nothing to him once he was in the interrogation room. He cracked immediately. Told the investigators everything. Funny thing is, they were looking for information on something unrelated. Don...